Requirements for Filing Sales Tax Returns in Sindh

As a registered business in Sindh, complying with sales tax regulations is crucial. This article delves into Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act 2011 (SST Act 2011), guiding you through the requirements for filing sales tax returns with the Sindh Revenue Board (SRB).

Standard Sales Tax Return

  • Who: Every registered person must file a return.
  • Frequency: Monthly by default, but the SRB can mandate quarterly returns for specific cases.
  • Deadline: Not later than the due date specified by the SRB.
  • Content: True and correct information indicating:
    • Tax due and paid during the tax period.
    • Other prescribed information as determined by the SRB.
  • Submission: At a designated bank or any other office specified by the SRB.
  • Electronic Filing: Allowed through prescribed formats like web portals, magnetic media, or other approved methods.
  • Revised Returns: Permitted within 120 days of initial filing to correct errors or pay additional tax.

Special Return

  • Who: Anyone, registered or not, upon request by the Assistant Commissioner SRB.
  • Purpose: Gather specific tax information from individuals or entities.
  • Content: As prescribed by the Assistant Commissioner SRB.
  • Deadline: Specified by the Assistant Commissioner SRB.

Final Return

  • Who: Businesses applying for de-registration under Section 25A.
  • When: Before de-registration.
  • Content: Information specified by the Commissioner SRB.
  • Submission: To the Commissioner SRB in the prescribed form and manner, as directed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regular and accurate filing of sales tax returns is mandatory for all registered businesses.
  • Be aware of potential variations in frequency and submission methods based on SRB notifications.
  • Utilize e-filing options for convenience and efficiency.
  • Address any errors or omissions promptly through revised returns.
  • Understand the requirements for special and final returns in specific situations.


  • Consult a tax advisor for personalized guidance and ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.
  • Failure to comply with filing requirements can lead to penalties and legal repercussions.

By staying informed and fulfilling your filing obligations, you can contribute to a transparent and efficient tax system in Sindh.

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