Don’t Miss Out! Your Guide to Tax Extensions in Pakistan

Navigating deadlines and paperwork can be daunting, especially when it comes to taxes. Thankfully, Section 119 of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 (ITO 2001) offers a lifeline: requesting an extension for filing certain tax documents. This article delves into the intricacies of Section 119, empowering you to understand your rights and responsibilities when requesting an extension.

Who Can Apply for an Extension?

If you need more time to submit any of the following documents, Section 119 allows you to apply for an extension:

  • Income tax returns: under sections 114 and 117 (for closed businesses)
  • Employer’s certificates: verifying salary income
  • Wealth statements: under section 116

When to Apply:

The key to a smooth extension process is timeliness. You must apply for an extension by the original due date for submitting the document in question. Delaying your request can decrease your chances of approval.

Getting the Extension Granted:

The Commissioner has the authority to grant extensions based on your reason for requesting one. Acceptable reasons include:

  • Absence from Pakistan: Travel or unforeseen circumstances outside the country.
  • Sickness or other misadventure: Health issues or unexpected events hindering your ability to file.
  • Any other reasonable cause: Provide compelling justification for your delay.

Duration of the Extension:

Generally, extensions granted under Section 119 cannot exceed 15 days from the original due date. However, the Commissioner may grant a longer extension under exceptional circumstances.


  • Chief Commissioner’s Role: If the Commissioner denies your extension request, you can appeal to the Chief Commissioner for a further extension, again for a maximum of 15 days unless exceptional circumstances warrant a longer period.
  • Payment Due Date Unchanged: Receiving an extension doesn’t postpone your tax payment deadline. Ensure you pay your income tax on time, regardless of the extension granted for filing your return.
  • Default Surcharge Applicable: Even with an extension, the default surcharge under Section 205 may still apply if you delay filing beyond the original due date.

Staying Compliant:

Requesting an extension is a legitimate option, but remember:

  • Transparency is Key: Be honest and transparent when explaining your reason for needing an extension.
  • Supporting Documentation: Provide any relevant documents supporting your claim, such as medical certificates or travel documents.
  • Professional Guidance: Consulting a tax advisor can help navigate the process and ensure your request is presented effectively.

By understanding Section 119 and exercising your right to request an extension responsibly, you can avoid unnecessary stress and penalties while fulfilling your tax obligations with confidence.

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