PRA Cracks Down on Restaurants Failing to Install EIMS

Lahore, Pakistan – The Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) has initiated a crackdown on establishments that have failed to comply with the mandatory installation of the Electronic Invoice Monitoring System (EIMS).

Following directives from Chairman Nauman Yusuf, the PRA has issued show-cause notices to over 100 restaurants that have not yet installed the EIMS. This system is designed to ensure transparency and accountability in the restaurant industry and to prevent revenue leakage.

Furthermore, the PRA has also issued warnings to restaurants that have installed the EIMS but are not issuing receipts as required. This indicates a lack of compliance with the system’s regulations and could lead to further action. Business Recorder

The PRA’s crackdown is a clear indication of its commitment to enforcing tax laws and ensuring that businesses are contributing their fair share to the revenue of the province. By mandating the use of EIMS and taking action against non-compliant establishments, the PRA aims to create a more level playing field for businesses and improve tax compliance.

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